§ 1. Name
The association's name is the Nordic Association of Fire Investigators (Nordic-AFI) (hereinafter referred to as the Association).
The association is affiliated with the International Association of Arson Investigators Inc. (IAAI) As the Nordic Chapter 61.
The name of the association and the IAAI name may be used by members if the use is in accordance with the policy established by the Association and if approved by the Association Board.
§ 2 Objectives
The association's objectives are to:
- Bring together individuals from the public sector and business and industry who are involved in the investigation of fires, for mutual information and exchange of experience.
- Participate in the development of knowledge, methods and tools in the field of fire investigation.
- Promote high levels of professional skills for Association members.
- Collaborate with other organizations and agencies to promote fire investigation.
- Compile and provide information, based on the Association's competence. Return this acquired knowledge to partners in order to prevent the occurrence of damage and injury through fire.
§ 3. Membership
Active membership
Active members of the Association may be professionals working with fire investigation issues.
Applications must be evaluated by the Association board.
A member of IAAI may, upon application, become a member of the Association.
Membership of IAAI
A member of the Board is encouraged to be a member of IAAI.
Passive membership
Passive members of the Association may be individuals who work with issues concerning fire investigations.
Passive members do not have voting rights or the right to hold positions within the Association.
Passive members of the IAAI may become a passive member of the Association upon application.
Supporting membership
Individuals or organizations, companies or others interested in participating in the Association may take membership as a supporting member.
The annual cost and form of supportive membership will be in accordance with the guidelines established by the Association Board.
Approval of membership application
Membership applications must be submitted to the Association. The Board makes the decision on this matter. At the annual general meeting, the Board will report applications received during the year and how they have been processed.
Permanent membership
An Honorary Life Member of IAAI may, on application, become a permanent member of the Association.
Termination of membership
All forms of membership in the Association may be terminated by the member voluntarily concluding the membership.
Membership also ends if members fail to fulfil their obligations or do not pay established fees.
The Board may, after a majority decision, exclude a member.