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Minutes, Nordic-AFI AGM, online (Teams) , 24-11-2023:
11 Participants:
Rene Ruusunen (B)
Thomas Ekman (B)
Kristian Lindstrøm (B)
Magnus Andersson (B)
Benny Thomsen
Nicolaj Cronberg Reidl
Reidar Skrunes
Tuomas Pälviä
Gert Jakobsen
Johan Rungberg
Fritz Grone (B)
Not Present:
Some members apologized for not being able to participate in the meeting.
Agenda of the meeting / decisions, actions taken in the Annual General Meeting:

  1. Register of members and establishment of voting list:
    A list of the participants at the AGM is made / see above. Members being not part of the
    Board are allowed to vote (6).
  2. Confirmation that the annual general meeting has been properly convened:
  3. Election of Chair and Secretary for the annual general meeting:
    Rene Ruusunen, Fritz Grone.
  4. Election of two people to verify the Minutes of the meeting with the Chair:
    Reidar Skrunes, Gert Jakobsen. A video recording og the AGM is
    accessible via Fileshare.
  5. Selection of two vote counters:
    Election by show of hands because only a small group of participants, no vote counters
  6. Establishment of annual general meeting agenda:
    As proposed in the announcement.
  7. The Board report on operations for the past year including the Association financial position:
    The Treasurer, Claes Malmqvist, is not able to attend the AGM. He has sent an email with an
    overview over the finances. This is attached as an Excelsheet to these minutes.
  8. Audit Report:
    The Auditor, Benny Thomsen, couldn´t control the statement or has got answers to his
    questions. He is waiting for formal input to be able to audit.
  9. Question of discharge from liability for the Board:
    Discussion about what it means, to discharge the Board from liabilitiy. Once more the
    Auditor says, he needs to see paperwork to discharge from liabilitiy. The financial situation
    of the Nordic-AFI is sent out with these minutes and if there are no objections, the board will
    be formaly discharged from liability.
  10. Processing of motions submitted within the relevant period of time:
  11. Processing of Board proposals:
    The new statues, the members of the Board has agreed on, were sent out together with the
    invitation to the AGM. There is a discussion, if all Board Members have cared for them in a
    proper way – the board have duely discussed the proposals and agrees. The question is, if
    the IAAI will accept the new statues, where there is the point, that a member doesn´t have
    mandatory to be member of the IAAI. There is a vote and the majority votes for the
    adoption of the new statutes.
  12. Processing of proposed business plans:
    All members can propose training sessions and activities in the Nordic AFI. The chair, Renee
    Ruusunen, will send an outline, what will happen next year to secretary and this activity plan
    will be taken up in the minutes
  13. Determination of annual fee until the next annual meeting:
    SEK 200,- for 2024
  14. Candidate nominations to the Board:
    Johan Rungberg is proposed as a candidate for the post of the secretary.
    Magnus Andersson is willing to rerun as a member of the board.
  15. Elections to the Board of:
    a. Deputy Chair – vacant (Tomas Ekman retires after his period on duty – Thank you Tomas)
    b. Secretary – Johan Rungberg is elected as the new secretary (Fritz Grone retires after his
    period on duty – Thank you Fritz)
    c. 1 member for a period of 3 years – Magnus Andersson is reelected.
    Because of the limited activity of the Association at this time, it was decided to downsize the
    Board and not to fill vacancies on the Board.
    Overview of the current board:
    Chair: Rene Ruusunen – period of 2 years (2023-2024)
    Deputy Chair: vacant
    Treasurer: Clæs Malmqvist – period of 2 years (2023-2024)
    Secretary: Johan Rungberg – period of 2 years (2024-2025)
    Member #1: Kristian Lindström – period of 3 years (2022-2024)
    Member #2: Magnus Andersson – period of 3 years (2024-2026)
  16. Election for a period of 1 year of:
    Accountant: vacant (open position) - Benny Thomsen retires in after his period on duty –
    Thank you Benny.
    Accountant sup.: Vacant (open position)
    Because there is no accountant for the coming period it was proposed (Gert Jakobsen), that
    the board should be in the role of controlling the treasurer.
  17. Election board:
    According to the adopted new statues, there I no election board anymore.
  18. Simple matters:
  • Gert Jakobsen comments on the low activity level of the association, probably
    caused by COVID-Crisis and other factors but claims for a plan, to revitalize the
    Association (Revitalizing plan from the board).
  • Benny Thomsen proposes to think about if it would be a possibility to be part of the
    now growing strong European Association of Fire Investigators (E-AFI). Rene replies,
    that in a survey from 2023 around 60 people said, that they want Nordic AFI to be
    alive. He further explains that merging with European AFI would mean, that all
    members have to be members of the IAAI.
  • The (partly new elected) board will meet some weeks after the AGM for a
    constitutional meeting, discuss matters and write a newsletter to the members.
    The Annual General Assembly 2023 closes …

    Read and approved:

    Reidar Skrunes Gert Jakobsen

    On the keys: Friedrich Grone

After the general assembly 2020 was finished the konin-project was presented by Marcus Runefos, Univerity of Lund.

If You did not have the opportunity to participate, you can see the presentation here:

Agenda with start 1000 CET and ends at 1200 CET:

Välkomnandeoch presentation av dagens möte och föreläsningar
ÅrsmötetMötet öppnas
§ 1. Upprop av medlemmar och fastställande av röstlängd.
§ 2. Fastställande att årsmötet blivit behörigen utlyst.
§ 3. Val av ordförande samt sekreterare för årsmötet.
§ 4. Val av två justerare att jämte ordföranden justera mötets protokoll.
§ 5. Val av två rösträknare.
§ 6. Fastställande av dagordning för årsmötet.
§ 7. Styrelsens redogörelse för verksamheten under det gångna året inklusive den ekonomiska ställningen.
§ 8. Revisorernas berättelse.
§ 9. Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen.
§ 10. Behandling av i tid inkomna motioner.
§ 11. Behandling av förslag från styrelsen:
§ 12. Behandling av förslag till verksamhetsplaner:
§ 13. Fastställande av årsavgift till nästa årsmöte.
§ 14. Kandidatnominering till styrelsen.
§ 15. Val till styrelsen av:
Ordförande för en tid av 2 år
Sekreterare för en tid av 1 år
Kassör för en tid av 2 år
2 ledamot för en tid av 3 år  
§ 16. Val för en tid av 1 år av:
Revisor jämte suppleant.
Tre ledamöter till valberedning varav en sammankallande.  
§ 17. Enkla frågor:  
Mötet avslutas  
Föreläsning 1Fire investigations – motor vehicle
Föreläsning 2ENFSI workshop – virtual reality
Föreläsning 3Vagabonderade strömmar, Säffle
Föreläsning 4Rökningsrelaterade innebrända (bränder och blodprover
Avslutoch tack

Documents for the meeting:

Board report 2020

Business plan 2021

Suggestion for new board

The board would like to recommend the coming FIVE 2020 webinar. The organizer RISE gives following describtion:

"In response to the pressing need for international dialogue RISE organise the conference FIVE (Fires in Vehicles). The objective of this conference is to exchange knowledge of fires in vehicles, including both on-road, off-road and rail vehicles. In recognition of the fact that many of the fire problems faced by these vehicles are the same, the solutions to them can also be similar."

The next FIVE conference will be held online
December 15 (afternoon, CET, UCT+1) and December 16 (morning, CET, UCT+1) 2020.

The FIVE webinar is targeting scientists, regulators, test engineers, rescue services, suppliers, manufacturers, operators, insurance companies and other organisations from the diverse field of transportation to discuss important fire issues.  

You can find more about the agenda her.

In following document you can read about the fire safety of Lithium-Ion batteries.

This year's annual meeting will be on Tuesday the 2nd of December and will be via Teams (on line conference).

So, safe the date and look out for coming details.

Start planning for your own presentation - it could be of an investigation or research. There will be 10-minute slots for each presentations. The Board are encouraging all members to present relevant cases to share unique knowledge or perhaps surprising findings.

The Manual is written by the European working group Fire and Explosions and gives the directions for Fire Investigations. The manual is now under public review and deadline for comments is set to the 10th of September 2020. Take the chance and comment - the manual and directions for the review can be found here.

If you want to now more about ENFSI (the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes) you can read more about here and learn more about the organizations with 39 countries as members.

This year's annual meeting will be on Tuesday the 2nd of December and will be via Teams (on line conference). The link will be sent by members letter. The meeting starts at 1000 CET and ends at 1200.

On the agenda:

Annual meeting 2020

Case studies; electrical investigation, motor vehicle fire investigation

Latest forensic research

Information about European work shop.
Key words; on line, virtual reality and fire investigations